Terms of Service

Last updated Oct 21, 2023


Please read carefully the Terms of Service (Terms) presented on our website before using our services or products. By accessing and using our services and software, you confirm your acceptance of these Terms.


By accessing this Website, accessible from freecattle.com, you are agreeing to be bound by these Website Terms of Service and agree that you are responsible for the agreement in accordance with any applicable local laws. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ACCESS OR USE OUR SERVICES.

User Responsibilities and Eligibility

Free Cattle provides services, including our open-source software. You, as the user, accept responsibility for the appropriate use of these services, preserving your confidential information, and managing the confidentiality of your access details to our platform. Any damages or costs, resulting from unauthorized use, loss, or exposure of this information, fall onto you. We disclaim liability for such incidents. We do not knowingly collect personal data from individuals under the age of 18.

Liabilities and Compliance

Free Cattle is not liable for damages or losses due to misuse of our services. Misuse can include breaking laws, providing incorrect information, unauthorized usage, infringing third-party rights, or violating our terms and conditions. Users are responsible for their actions and obeying laws and regulations.

Content Rules

As a user of the Free Cattle platform, you agree not to assume the identity of another individual, nor to upload content that is harmful, inflammatory, explicit, defamatory, libelous, or infringing on someone else's rights. Any violation of these guidelines could result in legal repercussions. In cases where user-generated Arweave content is relevant, it is stored in Arweave's decentralized storage network, subject to Arweave's policies.

In the event of content-related complaints or infringement notices, we will direct them to the user who posted the content. We will take appropriate action, including the removal of such disputed content from our platform. If necessary, we may also share the user's registration information in these situations.

Ownership Rights

As a user, you certify that you possess all the rights to the content you upload onto Free Cattle, and that such uploads do not breach third-party rights or any private agreements. You alone are liable for any legal consequences or infringements of intellectual property rights arising from the content you upload to our platform.

Payments and Fees

All payments, including upload fees and minting fees, are made via the Polygon blockchain. By using Free Cattle and the Polygon blockchain, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks associated with such transactions. Peer-to-peer transfers may occur; compliance with local laws rests solely with the users involved.


You agree to protect Free Cattle, its affiliates, licensors, suppliers, and their respective officials, directors, and employees, from any claims or losses, including legal costs arising from your use of our services or violation of these terms.

Website Functionality

We endeavour to ensure accuracy and reliability in our services; however, we shall not be held responsible or liable for any malfunctions of websites or open-source software, nor for any resultant damages. We expressly disclaim any liability for technical inaccuracies or typographical errors on our platform.

Limitation of Liability

Free Cattle does not control or bear responsibility for user-uploaded content. The use of our services is at your own risk. We disclaim any liability resulting from your use of the services to the fullest extent permitted by law. No liability shall befall Free Cattle or its affiliates due to the user's use or inability to use our services.

Service Termination

Free Cattle may terminate your access to our services without prior notice for any breach of these Terms. The parties' liabilities and obligations existing before termination shall persist post-termination.

Governing Law

These Terms are subject to Canadian federal laws. For resolving disputes arising from these Terms or your use of our services, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts of Canada.

Acceptance of Terms and Changes

By using our services, you agree to the Terms as presented. We encourage revisiting this page regularly for any updates. Changes to these Terms become effective once they are posted on our website.

Contact Us

For any queries about these Terms, reach us at info@freecattle.com.